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Strategy that keeps you connected.

Build on our insights.

We help clients shape the policy debate on today’s most contentious and important infrastructure issues. From siting major energy projects and obtaining Federal appropriations to shifting the broader conversation on infrastructure, designing transportation programs and authorizing water projects, we know how to navigate the challenges of getting critical infrastructure built.

With decades of procedural and policy expertise, our team is at home handling complicated, multi-stakeholder engagements.

Our long track record demonstrates the power of deploying the right campaign at just the right moment. We specialize in:

  • Bridges

  • Ecosystem restoration

  • Drinking Water and Wastewater

  • Freight Rail

  • Ports and Airports

  • Shore Protection

  • Surface transportation/Federal-Aid Highways

  • Transit

  • Transmission, Grid, and Power Generation

  • Water Resources, Navigation, and Flood Control