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Financial Services

Strategy that pays dividends.

Your reputation drives returns.

FGS Global has a proven track record helping traditional financial institutions, fintechs, trade associations and market participants across the financial services sector better understand and tackle reputational, legislative or regulatory challenges, seize business opportunities, and elevate the strength and profile of brands, boards, and CEOs.

Our team has experience working at the highest levels of government, including the U.S. Treasury Department, financial regulatory agencies, and on Capitol Hill, as well as inside banks and other financial institutions.

Investment-worthy insight.

Our policy-related work spans financial and banking regulation, consumer and housing finance, digital assets and currencies, tax and trade policy, and foreign investment.

Our consumer finance work is rooted in the ability to develop thoughtful and compelling public affairs campaigns that educate stakeholders about credit markets and products, their value to consumers, and their responsible use.

Our complex issue and crisis communications work involves guiding many financial companies, public and private, through high-stakes moments and issues — including public regulatory enforcements, controversial or complicated business decisions, and other issues.