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Biancastella de Angelis


Biancastella de Angelis

Life at FGS Global

Advises clients on strategic positioning, advocacy campaigns and interest representation in the political-regulatory domain at both EU and national level, and the political dimension of competition and trade cases.

Focus sectors include: Sustainability, Energy, Health, Consumer Goods and Retail.

Life Pre-FGS Global

Specialisation in Interest Representation at EU-level at the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium); specialization in Strategic Management at the University of Lund (Sweden); Global Account Management at Hewlett-Packard.

Life Beyond FGS Global

Biancastella de Angelis works for the Corporate Affairs & Public Strategies division and is a Partner in the company’s Brussels office. She advises clients on strategic positioning, advocacy campaigns and interest representation in the political-regulatory domain at both EU and national level, and the political dimension of competition and trade cases.

At FGS Global, Biancastella advises companies, associations, and advocacy groups in a range of sectors including sustainability, energy, health, consumer goods and retail, with deep expertise in the area of EU legislation and in leading pan-European campaigns.

Before joining FGS Global, she worked for Hewlett-Packard in the areas of Global Account Management and Marketing. Biancastella holds a Master of Science in Business Administration from Lund University with a focus on Strategic Management; a Master of Arts in European Politics and Administration from the College of Europe in Bruges with a focus on Interest Representation at EU-level; and studied business at the Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Besides her native Italian, she speaks German, English, French and Swedish.

Biancastella de Angelis