By the time the CEO rings the bell on the floor of the stock exchange, a company has been through a long and intense period of preparation and execution – with a successful listing as the reward. The reality is however, that this is only the beginning of the company’s capital markets journey.
With onerous disclosure requirements and increased public scrutiny, the company must now handle new and higher expectations in order to retain control of the company’s narrative and perception. To do this, it is essential to build trust and confidence with investors, the sell-side analysts and the broader financial community; collectively known as the capital markets.
A best-in-class investor relations team succeeds in establishing a culture that specifically manages capital market expectations in order to reliably achieve or exceed them. This activity needs to be prioritised right from the start. Get it right and the foundation is set to attract new investors as perceptions of quality and reliability are enhanced. Disappointment, in particular in the first year as a public company, can result in investors selling their shares and prospective new investors adopting a wait and see approach that can result in sustained share price underperformance.
With extensive capital markets experience, Finsbury Glover Hering can provide strategic and practical advice to the Board of Directors, Management and Investor Relations on all matters related to optimising valuation and market impact through strategic communications excellence.
Caroline Learmonth
Caroline joined Finsbury Glover Hering as a partner in January 2021 to continue to build the Equity Advisory & IR practice in London.
Justin Shinebourne
Justin joined Finsbury Glover Hering as a partner in September 2020 to lead the Equity Advisory & IR practice in London.
Dr. Robert Vollrath
Robert joined Finsbury Glover Hering as a partner in 2019 to build the German Equity Advisory & IR practice.