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Predictions 2024

Each year FGS Global reflects on the current state of the market and looks ahead at the opportunities and challenges for the deal landscape.

Our experts around the globe have advised on some of the largest deals of the past three decades and see 2024 as year where regulatory scrutiny and geopolitical influences will create new challenges and opportunities for strong businesses seeking to transact.

Hear from Phoebe Kebbel, Global Co-Head of Transaction and Financial Communications in Frankfurt as she shares her thoughts on what has changed within the last two decades in advising on M&A communications and what dealmakers can do today to succeed.

For the second year, FGS Global is proud to be recognized as #1 Global M&A PR firm by deal value and deal count by Mergermarket – a testament to the hard work and dedication of our teams supporting our clients around the globe.

Our number one rankings spanned the Americas and Europe with an extra special mention in Germany where we ranked number 1 for the 20th consecutive year.

With over three hundred deals under our belts for the year, we are proud the efforts of our colleagues made us one of the only firms to be included in the Top 10 across every region: Asia Pacific, Japan, EMEA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Nordics, MEA, Americas, U.S., Canada, Latin America, Japan, Australia, and Greater China.

Lessons learned from 2023 M&A

Increased complexity and interest rates not seen for decades changed the landscape of M&A around the world. Hear from our experts on how this changed the nature of transaction communications for successful deals during the year.

How has increased complexity and the impact of interest rates changed the pace of M&A communications

Kal Goldberg - Partner, New York

How can companies counter short-term volatility and its impact on stakeholder perceptions

Charles Chichester - Partner, London

How has increased pressure for corporate governance reform impacted stakeholder engagement for Japanese companies

Minako Hattori - Partner, Tokyo

Predictions for 2024

Companies looking to transact in 2024 need to be prepared for the impact of the fluctuating geopolitical environment, varied equity market support across regions and regulatory scrutiny. Our experts discuss below how to prepare and what to be ready to encounter.

How will geopolitical risk and the focus on FDI impact the Asia-Pacific (APAC) deal environment

Jay Qin - Managing Director, Hong Kong

Which business profiles are more likely to garner support for M&A transactions in the 2024 deal environment

John Christiansen - Partner, San Francisco

What is the expected impact of buoyant Japanese equity markets on transaction communications

Minako Hattori - Partner, Tokyo