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Report: An In-Depth Conversation with American Voters on COVID-19

This article was originally published on

As featured in the March 30, 2020 edition of Axios AM.

There’s a lot of public opinion data out there right now about COVID-19, but less qualitative insight into what is behind the polling numbers. The Glover Park Group hosted a conversation with Americans to see how they are feeling and how institutions, specifically brands, can help.

What we heard:

  • Americans say they will remember who stepped up and made sacrifices for the greater good.

  • Coronavirus has put debates on the social safety net and paid leave front and center.

  • Voters want industries who receive aid to repay that goodwill in how they act and behave

  • Americans are grateful for services of essential employees and medical professionals and demand we do more to support them.

    In their own words:

    “This is your chance to make or break your company. It doesn't matter how successful it's been all this time. If you do the right thing you will be remembered positively, and the business will have the trust of the people after all of this is over.”

    Navigating COVID-19 from GloverParkGroup