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Report: Understanding Policy Influencers’ Priorities in a Post-COVID World

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The Glover Park Group has been hosting regular in-depth conversations with Americans to understand how they are feeling amidst COVID-19. We also wanted to gauge how those who are actively influencing policy are reacting to the pandemic and how it will impact the policy landscape moving forward. What we learned:

  • Policy influencers on both sides of the aisle are operating on their own set of facts and have vastly different priorities.

  • Democratic and Republican influencers do not see eye-to-eye when it comes to reopening business, with Democrats setting a high bar before business can return to normal.

  • But even in hyper-partisan times, there is consensus among policy influencers on some important questions and issues, with Democrats and Republicans both wanting to see the federal government step in when states face budget crises.

  • Even with intense partisanship, organizations can speak to shared policymaker priorities – for example, on re-starting K-12 education and supporting small businesses - while also remaining attuned to the different priorities of Democrats and Republicans.

    You can read more details in GPG’s full report, including detailed insights about how policy influencers are thinking about reopening businesses and their priorities for the future.

Navigating COVID-19 - May 26 from GloverParkGroup