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Alexis Coskun



L. Paris
Alexis Coskun

Contact Info


L. Paris

Life at FGS Global

Advises clients on critical questions of strategic positioning in political and regulatory affairs development and the political dimensions of investment scrutiny. Focus on competition and trade proceedings in regulated and complex markets, particularly with a geopolitical angle.

Life Pre-FGS Global

Worked in the European Parliament, the French Senate as well as an academic in Paris Sorbonne University and Strasbourg University.

Life Beyond FGS Global

Teaches competition and business law, chief editor of a Geo-political review, enjoys reading and writing pieces.

To best advise his clients, Alexis leverages his experience as both a Parliamentary advisor, in the European Parliament and in the French Senate, and as an academic in Paris Sorbonne University and Strasbourg University.

In both its Parliamentary advisory and academic career paths Alexis developed an expertise in the fields of Industry, Energy and complex international trade and antitrust cases.

In FGS Global's Brussels office, and then as a founding Member of the Paris office of FGS Global he developed and strengthened its experience as an advisor for business confronted to complex legal and scrutiny proceeding in antitrust and trade situations or navigating parliamentary-regulatory and heated political environments.

Alexis is graduated from Sciences Po Strasbourg and Strasbourg University. He holds a PhD from Strasbourg University devoted to the interplay between competition law and industrial policy.

Alexis Coskun