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Amanda Ashley Keating



Amanda Ashley Keating

Life at FGS Global

Supports clients navigating transformational moments and builds integrated campaigns to support long-term reputation and issue management goals.

Life Pre-FGS Global

U.S. Congress, start-up life building a new communications agency and media relations in the energy industry.

Life Beyond FGS Global

Florist-in-training, amateur tennis player.

As a Partner at FGS Global, Amanda Keating brings two decades of communications experience across the a wide range of industries to her clients. Amanda brings her expertise in issues and reputation management, media relations, integrated campaigns and executive positioning to clients navigating high stakes communications moments.

Amanda has extensive experience supporting clients who have undergone major transformational moments with long-term, integrated strategic reputation campaigns. Ranging from building executive visibility programs to creating advertising campaigns aimed at reaching the most important policymakers and opinion elites, to implementing an effective measurement program to monitor and track progress, Amanda helps clients achieve long-term success.

Prior to joining FGS Global, Amanda served as a Communications Director in the U.S. House of Representatives. After leaving the Hill she helped build a new communications firm, Westfourth Communications. She started her career on a media team in the energy industry.

Amanda graduated from The George Washington University.

Amanda Ashley Keating