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Brett O'Brien


Brett O'Brien

Life at FGS Global

Develops and executes communications strategies for clients navigating complex foreign policy, trade, national security and business-related matters worldwide.

Life Pre-FGS Global

Served thirteen years as foreign and defense policy advisor to House and Senate Congressional leaders and as a presidential campaign consultant.

Life Beyond FGS Global

Enjoys traveling with his wife and three children and hopes to someday play in the FIFA World Cup tournament.

Brett O’Brien is a Partner in FGS Global’s Washington, D.C. office, where he leads the firm’s U.S. Government Affairs, Policy and Advocacy practice. Much of his work involves navigating complex foreign policy, trade and national security matters for clients seeking to advance objectives in key global capitals. Brett has performed extensive advocacy on behalf of governments, political parties and multinational corporations, outreach for companies seeking a stronger global presence, and strategic counsel for non-profit organizations pursuing specific legislative goals. He has also devised and managed successful communications strategies for multiple business transactions subject to national security reviews and public scrutiny.

Prior to joining FGS Global, Brett advised international clients at The Harbour Group, LLC, and served as a national security advisor to the Presidential campaign of U.S. Representative Dick Gephardt. He also enjoyed thirteen years as a foreign and defense policy advisor in the U.S. Congress, first to Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell and then to House Democratic Leader Gephardt, where he also served as liaison to the House Intelligence Committee.

Brett previously worked for a U.S. Representative from his hometown of San Diego and as an analyst at the Congressional Research Service. He also lived in London and Cairo during his career.

Brett received a BA from Harvard University and a Master’s Degree from the London School of Economics. He and his wife have three children and he hopes to someday play in the FIFA World Cup tournament.

Brett O'Brien