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Cecilia Siebke


Cecilia Siebke

Life at FGS Global

Expert in due diligence of the political-regulatory environment to inform investment and strategic decisions. Advises clients on strategic positioning and advocacy, with focus on tech.

Life Pre-FGS Global

Worked as a consultant for a mid-sized technology firm and in public affairs for a listed retail company. Academic background in Political Science, Corporate Management & Economics.

Life Beyond FGS Global

Passionate dog-owner who loves exploring the nature in and around Berlin, favorably with a coffee in hand.

Cecilia Siebke is Director in the Government Relations, Policy & Advocacy team in Berlin and has experience advising clients from a variety of sectors in their overall public affairs strategy. She is an expert for the political-regulatory due diligence, a qualitative assessment that informs investors and strategic planners about the political environment and regulatory developments relevant to the asset in question.

Also, Cecilia is experienced in guiding clients through business-critical situations with a focus on questions related to labour relations and FDI screening. Cecilia’s sector experience ranges from tech and platform regulation to digital, media as well as industrial policy.

Before joining FGS Global in 2015, Cecilia worked in the corporate public policy division of a stock-listed retail company and gained experience as a consultant for a family-owned technology firm. She holds a MA in Corporate Management & Economics from Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen as well as a BA in Political Science & Economics from the University of Münster.

Cecilia Siebke