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Elise Kammerer


Elise Kammerer

Life at FGS Global

Elise develops and executes strategies for the positioning and financial communications of both startups and global market leaders. Covers clients across sectors with a special focus on tech companies.

Life Pre-FGS Global

Headed the PR of a food e-commerce company. Studied Communications Management at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, the University of Leipzig with stops at the University of Tampere, Finland, and Ohio University, USA.

Life Beyond FGS Global

Passionate skier, trained yoga teacher and caring gardener for her balcony and indoor plants.

Elise is a Director in the Berlin office of FGS Global. She advises clients on all issues regarding strategic communications and positioning as well as financial communications across industries with a particular focus on tech companies. Until today, Elise has advised clients on various IPO’s and M&A transactions. After joining FGS Global in Frankfurt in 2016 she has been working in the Berlin office for more than four years, where she also supported the scaling and development of the Tech&Transformation Practice in Germany.

In addition to her professional activities, Elise is a passionate guest lecturer at several universities on various topics such as M&A communications and digital CEO positioning. Before joining FGS Global, she gained practical experience in communications at EnBW, Beiersdorf and the PR agency Sympra in parallel to her studies. She also headed the PR of a food e-commerce company.

Elise holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, and a Master’s degree in Communication Management from the University of Leipzig. She also studied at the University of Tampere, Finland, and Ohio University, USA.

Elise Kammerer