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Frank Jansen



Frank Jansen

Life at FGS Global

Co-leads the Amsterdam bureau and advises clients on a broad range of corporate reputation issues. Particular focus on strategic transitions, M&A and (initial) public offerings.

Life Pre-FGS Global

Spent over two decades at a Dutch strategic communications agency and held several interim corporate affairs, comms and investor relations positions with corporate clients, including Heineken, Endemol and GrandVision.

Life Beyond FGS Global

Lives in Amsterdam with girlfriend, daughter, and cat. Enjoys road trips, cycling, early morning workouts, spending time family and friends.

Frank is a co-lead of the Amsterdam bureau and advises public and private companies on all aspects of their strategic communications, including M&A, IPOs, strategic transitions, restructurings, litigation support, (ESG) issue management, and activism defense.

He spent over two decades at CFF Communications, a Dutch strategic communications firm, working as an advisor for corporates, helping them with positioning issues and providing support across the earnings cycle, AGMs, CMDs and so on. He advised on many special situations, including several strategic transitions, numerous M&A transactions, including various take-privates as well as over 20 IPOs.

During his career, he also held interim corporate affairs, communications, and/or investor relations positions at companies such as Heineken, Endemol, and GrandVision. A couple of these interim engagements typically started in the run-up to an IPO, helping the respective company set up communications and investor relations, manage the IPO campaign, and ensure a solid start to listed life.

Frank holds a BSc in Business Economics and an Executive Master's in Business Valuation and M&A. He lives in Amsterdam with his girlfriend, daughter, and a stubborn Maine Coon cat. He enjoys early morning workouts (most of the time), loves good food and documentaries.

Frank Jansen