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Kirsti Hastings


Kirsti Hastings

Life at FGS Global

Develops and implements integrated communications strategies to help leaders navigate complex situations, capital markets transactions and build and protect their corporate reputations. Extensive healthcare experience.

Life Pre-FGS Global

Journalist at The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and New York.

Graduated from Tufts University and Columbia University.

Life Beyond FGS Global

Avid skier, runner, cyclist and aspirational tennis player.

Proud mother of two children who are quickly becoming adults.

Madly in love with Paris.

Kirsti Hastings is a Partner at FGS Global with more than 14 years of experience in crisis communications, reputation management, and financial communications. Kirsti advises business leaders on integrated communications strategies and has experience helping companies navigate complex corporate issues, including financial and regulatory issues, mergers and acquisitions, litigation, cybersecurity, leadership transitions, and corporate reorganizations. She also leads corporate reputation and leadership positioning campaigns. Kirsti has extensive experience in the health care and financial services sectors. Kirsti is based in New York and also spent two years in our Los Angeles office.

Prior to joining the firm, Kirsti spent 12 years working as a journalist at

Kirsti Hastings