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Michael Feldman

Partner, co-chairman, north america

Michael Feldman

Life at FGS Global

Currently serving as North American Co-Chairman of the global firm. Directs communications strategy for a range of corporations, non-profits, advocacy organizations and individuals.

Life Pre-FGS Global

Senior Adviser to the Vice President, a liaison between the Clinton-Gore White House and the U.S. Congress. Co-Founder of The Glover Park Group.

Life Beyond FGS Global

Savannah’s husband, Vale and Charley’s dad, frustrated creative and recovering political hack.

Michael Feldman has more than three decades of experience in politics, policy, strategic communications, and as an advisor to decision-makers, corporations, advocacy organizations, non-profits, and high-profile individuals.

Michael began his career in politics and government. Over the course of eight years in the Clinton-Gore White House, Michael served in various leadership roles on behalf of Vice President Gore, including senior advisor and traveling chief of staff. In this capacity, he managed the Vice President’s staff and implemented message and strategy throughout the 2000 campaign cycle. Michael also served as one of the Clinton administration’s chief liaisons to the United States Congress, providing advice and strategic counsel to forward the President’s legislative agenda.

Prior to joining the Clinton-Gore campaign in 1992, Michael worked for the Senate Democratic Leadership as a legislative analyst in the Democratic Policy Committee and as a member of the Democratic floor staff for the Senate Majority Leader. In 1991, Michael worked on the special election campaign of Senator Harris Wofford of Pennsylvania.

In 2001 Michael helped found The Glover Park Group, a public affairs firm based in Washington D.C. Michael helped lead and grow the firm from a start-up to one the leading strategic communications firms in the country.

At FGS Global, Michael serves as a partner and North American co-chairman where he continues to lead major client accounts and the firm’s business and growth strategy.

Michael graduated with honors from Tufts University and resides in New York City with his wife and two children.

Michael Feldman