Provides strategic communications, media relations and issues management support for a range of clients across education, energy and healthcare. Specializes in employee engagement and internal communications.
Planned and executed multichannel digital content for internal audiences at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and worked in the Employee Engagement and Energy & Transportation practices at Edelman.
An avid tea drinker, Maryland native and graduate of Syracuse University. Loves learning new techniques on the pottery wheel, reality TV and her cat, Louie.
Steph Berhane is a strategic communications professional with expertise in media relations, issues management, employee engagement and internal communications. She helps clients navigate complex issues and achieve results, developing and executing strategies, shaping messaging, and engaging with media out of FGS Global’s D.C. office. She provides guidance to a range of clients across education, energy and health care.
Prior to joining FGS Global, Steph was an internal communications specialist at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, where she worked to plan and produce impactful, multichannel digital content for internal audiences to advance leadership strategy, connect employees and improve information flow. She also worked at Edelman, providing employee engagement and internal communications support to help clients drive critical business strategies and close the gap between the executive team, management and frontline workforces.
Steph earned a degree in Communication & Rhetorical Studies and Political Science from Syracuse University. A native of Maryland, Steph enjoys a hot cup of tea and is always caught up on her favorite reality TV shows. She lives in Washington, D.C. with her grey tabby, Louie.