This is Nedra, reporting live this month from a new location: The office.
After more than two years of editing this newsletter from home, I decided to spend the month of July going to FGS Global five, yes FIVE, days a week. And let me tell you, it is giving me LIFE.
The question of how to balance remote verses in-person work has become a dilemma for many employers. And I’m here to evangelize that we all make our best efforts to be together again.
This is not easy for me: I’m a single mom of two kids who are going to different schools on opposite sides of town. Getting into the office some days from my house seems more complicated than launching a space shuttle. But I’m convinced it’s well worth the maneuvering. Here’s why:
I love my job and the work I get to do. But I’m going to admit my favorite things about being a professional really are more basic – hanging out with friends and wearing nice clothes. The endorphin shot I’ve gotten from restoring those two routines has given me a renewed energy for my career I simply can’t get from unmuting myself at my dining room table.
Our firm is encouraging attendance two to three days a week. Michele Soho, our savvy chief operating officer for North America, says she wants our employees to have FOMO if they aren’t in person. So the firm is taking a smart approach to incentivizing in-office attendance with meals and treats Tuesday-Thursday. It’s clearly working. The numbers are up those days, while Mondays and Fridays I can practically hear myself echoing off the vast expanse of empty desks.
Hybrid meetings, where some attendees are in person and some are on video, are hard. We can’t see and hear each other clearly, the tech set-up is more complicated on a big screen than a laptop and we’ll have to find better ways to make that work. Clearly hybrid meetings are here to stay. One consideration: Is it a good time to bring back the conference call?
But my advice: Get in the room and off the Zoom, even if it takes a little extra effort. Reconnecting is electric.