Addressing crises on college campuses requires a nuanced approach that considers the unique challenges faced by each institution. By preparing in advance, college administrators can create a resilient and responsive campus environment. Jonathan Kopp, a partner in FGS Global’s Strategic Communications Division, shares some key considerations when preparing for crisis management on college campuses:
There is no universal solution. Various factors such as campus size, location and demographics should be considered when considering crisis response. For example, while some colleges may receive praise for engaging constructively with protesters, others might be lauded for keeping protests in check and not appeasing protesters' unacceptable demands.
Proactive communication with stakeholders is crucial. To avoid appearing reactive, it’s important to communicate early and often. Speak of enduring values and avoid jargon and buzzwords that can seem like a convenient shorthand but can be prey to culture wars, since language is a shifting battleground.
Develop crisis protocols, prevention and response materials ahead of time. With the expectation that demonstrations will become more disruptive and innovative, preparing ahead of time is essential. Know in advance who needs to be in the chain for decisions, who needs to be communicated with and who is the appropriate source of comms for each constituency.