If the last two weeks have shown us anything, it’s that the only certainty in this election is uncertainty. Our political experts share advice for clients here:
Prepare, prepare, prepare. Companies who think through the impact of possible electoral outcomes and possible political, legislative and business environments that may result from the election will be ready for any eventuality. FGS Global’s Alternative Futures product is designed to help businesses do just that.
Keep your business priorities in mind. Know that elections are cyclical and stick to your knitting, because the political pendulum never stops swinging. At the end of the day your true north should be whatever your business priorities are. There is too much change at the national level to try to adapt every four years or even every two.
If you want to engage proactively about the election, encourage civic engagement. There’s a great shortage of poll workers in this country. Businesses could consider giving employees time off to be poll workers as one way to increase confidence in a democratic process at a time when it’s very divisive. Even guaranteeing employees time off to vote reinforces your company’s values and investment in a vibrant democracy.
Offer opportunities for civic education. Understanding of basic civics in the U.S. is shockingly low. Companies might consider offering employees basic, nonpartisan education about our democratic process and how it works as a tool to showcase your company’s values and help improve our overall democratic process.
To learn more, reach out to FGS Global’s Alternative Futures team at AlternativeFutures@fgsglobal.com.