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Post-Merger Integration

Align. Achieve. ASAP.

We help CEOs, boards and leadership teams strengthen trust, build momentum and drive cultural change with post-transaction communications programs that rally teams around strategic goals.

Engage your employees.

Unifying different organizations, cultures and business methods is always challenging. In an environment where up to 90 percent of deals fail to achieve anticipated results, and over half of all M&A deals destroy shareholder value, success isn’t a forgone conclusion.i

Your most valuable asset is your people. A merger’s success depends on how quickly they adapt and embrace the new organization.

Communicate. Repeat.

Like any major change, mergers and acquisitions create distractions that can reduce employee engagement and performance.

Employees, shareholders, and partners all want answers to the same question: “What does this mean for me?”

We help deals succeed.

Integrations can only succeed in the long term with energized employees who believe in the combined organization’s purpose and understand how to attain it.

Our global team has unmatched experience helping companies design and execute complex integrations — helping senior leaders communicate the “why” so they can keep employees, partners and stakeholders committed and focused on what’s next.

Case Studies


FGS Global helped a leading manufacturing firm integrate two large international workforces after the largest acquisition in the company’s history. We managed all internal communications for the deal-closing announcement and directed the integration strategy for the two companies and their 30,000 employees.

Our communications approach fostered positive sentiment among all stakeholders and paved the way for cross-selling as an essential part of the deal rationale. At the core of this approach was a detailed storyline with targeted messages that formed the basis for all communications efforts.


FGS Global helped two of the world’s largest retailers merge their brands following a complicated cross-border M&A transaction that integrated more than 375,000 employees and a dozen local brands in 10 countries.

We led internal and external communications, including cultural integration, leadership development, employee retention and organizational design efforts. We also served on the companies’ integration management team and led the new company’s name and brand launch.

i. Christensen, C et. al., The Big Idea: The New M&A Playbook, Harvard Business Review