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Design and Creative

FGS Global’s creative professionals are empathetic problem-solvers, working hand-in-hand with our strategic consultants to create impactful work.

Our firm’s in-house artists and out-of-the box thinkers believe in the power of creativity to change minds.

We employ strategic creativity and empathetic problem solving to create persuasive materials — with a touch of magic to cut through the clutter. At FGS Global, you’ll create brand identities, establish editorial authority, shape public discourse, and capture attention.

We’re on the lookout for creative personalities, with a variety of backgrounds and professional experience, who want to make a difference.

We prize unconventional thinking, responsibility and leadership in every medium.

Find your path

Roll up your sleeves. Are you ready to dive into meaningful work? When you grow your career at FGS Global you’ll be collaborating with people motivated to create purposeful impact and committed to your success and development.


Emma Bevan

Graphic Designer, Design


Tell us about a typical day

Honestly, it differs day to day. Our team catches up first thing to discuss the progress of the projects and pitches we are working on; the conversation normally ends with discussing cool design trends and content we’ve seen or the important topic of what we are having for lunch. The rest of the day is about getting your head down to focus on the task ahead, whether it be a video animation, social post design, data infographic or the latest pitch deck.

What is your favorite aspect of the job?

My favorite aspect of the job is the variation and collaborating with the team. As a team we cover a lot of design disciplines from video content to print brochures. We often come together to brainstorm different routes and concepts to ensure the best outcome for our clients.

How would you describe yourself as a member of the team?

I would describe myself as an enthusiastic team player, assisting the team as much as possible across all aspects of the role. However, as a team we all have different strengths. Mine are illustration and digital animation.

What do you think is special about FGS Global?

I think FGS Global is special because, not only are we agile during challenging times, we also embed creativity into all the work we produce, creating even more impact.

How did you begin your career in the industry?

After studying illustration at university, I moved to London to work as a graphic designer in the marketing department of a programmatic advertising company, I then moved to a global advertising agency where I specialised in Strategic Design. I loved how creative and fast-paced the industry was and knew this is what I wanted to take forward.