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Internship opportunities for current college and university students.

Lay the foundation for your career in strategic advisory and communications consulting.

We’re looking for students who are interested in communications, public affairs, finance, journalism, political science, international relations or strategic consulting.

An internship, working experience, or collaboration as part of a thesis will offer you exciting insights into strategic advisory and is often the starting point of a fulfilling consulting career.

We offer a range of experience and skills that will set you up to explore a wide variety of fields.

As an intern, you’ll be fully integrated into our project teams, doing meaningful work from day one.

Find your path

Roll up your sleeves. Are you ready to dive into meaningful work? When you grow your career at FGS Global you’ll be collaborating with people motivated to create purposeful impact and committed to your success and development.


Mathilda Olds

Associate, Political and Regulatory / Public Affairs


Tell us about a typical day

British politics is an ever-changing landscape, and a role in public affairs reflects this. Each day is varied, whether drafting letters to Ministers, compiling briefing documents, analyzing policy reports or monitoring select committee inquiries. Work often involves engagement with politicians and their offices, building relationships to influence the direction of policy and enhance our client’s relationships with senior stakeholders.

What is your favorite aspect of the job?

The variety of accounts at FGS is particularly interesting - we work with clients across a broad range of sectors including digital, energy, consumer and TMT. This provides the opportunity to challenge yourself and learn about new industries, whilst keeping up with exciting and fast-paced policy developments.

How would you describe yourself as a member of the team?

I view myself as an established member of an ambitious and diverse team, keen to take on new challenges and deliver high-quality work. I strive to maintain a positive attitude, build on my political knowledge, and develop skills that will benefit me throughout my career.

What do you think is special about FGS Global?

FGS Global seamlessly integrates teams across the firm, allowing for a sharing of knowledge which not only benefits the offering we provide to our clients but also supports our personal development as well-rounded communication professionals. This extends not just within the London office but also between our global partners, allowing us to gain perspective on how different cultures and markets operate – increasingly important in an interconnected world.

How did you begin your career in the industry?

I studied History and Politics at the University of Nottingham, becoming interested in Public Affairs following two periods of work experience at Finsbury in 2019 and 2020. This exposure to public affairs revealed to me that the profession complimented both my interests and skill set, and it quickly became a career I was keen to pursue. Following university, I completed internships at BCW and Edelman before re-applying to Finsbury, motivated by the high calibre of the team and the learning opportunities available.